Franchisee Process
You have to begin with an initial investment of 4 lacs that includes POS hardware, software, CCTV, Interiors & Fittings, LEDTV, architect Fee, display shelves, promotions, and related expenses.
Step by Step Process
The operational investment will be 3.75 lacs with a franchise agreement of 2 years. All your outlets shell deal and sell only UPL group products.
You will have to submit a security deposit of 25000 and a stock deposit of 2 lacs. The credit period for all outstanding stock will be 30 days.
You must have the relevant licenses for seeds, pesticides, and fertilizers. Documents like PAN cards, Aadhar card are also necessary.
Your shop must have a minimum of 300 square feet of area, which can be leased or owned.
Send us your franchisee-related queries at